About Us

Maritime Solution Company - JAPAN MARINE SCIENCE INC.


We are not only committed to continuously improving our "intellect" as consultants, but also behaving as individual members of society in compliance with law and ethics.

SDGs Initiatives

We contribute to achieving SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through our business activities

Corporate Profile

CEO Tomoyuki Koyama
Established September 1, 1985
Capital JPY 300,000,000
Share holder Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK)
Number of Employees about 160
Main Bank MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Main Customers Government office, administration organization, international organization, local government, energy suppliers (electricity, petroleum and gas), maritime companies (shipping and port logistics companies), shipbuilding companies (shipyards and marine electronic manufacturer)
Location Head office
SOLID SQUARE WEST TOWER 3F, 580, Horikawa-cho,Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa-ken 212-0013, Japan.
TEL: +81 44-548-9130  FAX: +81 44-548-9134
Oscillation Testing Group
5-32-84, Sugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 235-0033, Japan.
TEL: +81 45-772-1324
Kobe Branch
MAINICHI SHINBUN KOBE Bldg.7F 3-5, 4-chome, Sakae-machi-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-city, Hyogo-ken 650-0023, Japan.
TEL: +81 78-361-4793  FAX: +81 78-361-4795
Diving Business Group
1-2-25, Nishidemachi, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-city, Hyogo-ken 652-0822, Japan.
TEL: +81 78-651-2133  FAX: +81 78-651-2184
Kyusyu Branch
JP mojiko Bldg.4F 7-8, Minatomachi Moji-ku, Kita-Kyusyu-city, Fukuoka-ken 801-0852, Japan.
TEL: +81 93-332-6492  FAX:+81 093-332-6603
New Building Group (Kyushu Office)
Dai-16 Okabe Bldg.2F 8-27, Hakata-eki Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka-ken, 812-0012, Japan.
TEL: +81 92-292-0108

Organization Chart